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if i miss any pillar of the salah does all my salah invalid or just the rakat Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Missed a Pillar in Salah, like Sujood or Ruku, what to do? Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Missed a rakah unintentionally (pillars: Ruku, Sujood, Fateha...) what should I do? Assim al hakeem
If I miss a pillar in Salah behind an Imam, is my whole prayer invalid & do I need Sujood As Sahu?
If we forget 2 say takbeer of movement & say it after reaching pillar Is salah valid assim al hakeem
What to do if you forget which rakah you are in - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Continuous doubts in prayer, how many rakahs, sujood etc When to consider, when to ignore Assimalhak
Wasn't sure if I did 1 or 2 sujood, thought 2 but later on inclination changed to 1 Assim al hakeem
is the first part of tashahhud a pillar and the second is a mandatory act Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
When to move our index finger in tashahhud? If we don't move it, is our prayer valid Assim al hakeem
Doubtful if I prayed 3 or 4 rakahs. Finished 3, made salam & prayed 1 more rakah, is it valid? Assim
Should I pray the Salah again if I did not pray with Khushu (Concentration)?- Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem